A Quick Guide to Self Publishing
Writing a book is only one part of the journey to becoming a published author. We have created a guide of things you need to consider before venturing into the world of self-publishing
Editing and proofreading
Often overlooked, professional editing is a must. One of the biggest criticisms of self-published books is their lack of editing. Be aware of which type of editor you need before you hire one. Copy editors correct spelling mistakes and grammar. Developmental editors check your book for structure and consistency.
There is a big difference between images viewed over the internet and those intended to for print. If your images aren’t “high res” (at least 300 dpi resolution), you won’t get the best results when printed.
Formatting your book is very important. A badly formatted book will turn people off as quickly as a badly edited one. If you’re formatting the book yourself, some things you need to consider are:
- page size (set your document to the page size you want before you start formatting)
- margins (make sure there’s enough space around the text)
- font typeface (the text needs to be legible and the size appropriate for the target audience)
- printer/ebook specifications (both print and ebooks have unique specifications which will affect your formatting).
Cover design
As an author, the cover is often the last thing you think about. As a reader, the cover is the first thing you see. One of the two essential items that self-publishers should pay for is cover design (the other is editing). A well-designed book cover attracts readers and is an important marketing tool.
ISBN code
An International Standard Book Number (ISBN), is required for the distribution of print books. Click here to request an ISBN number from the National Library.
Promotion and marketing
Finally, you have produced a wonderful finished product. Here are some ideas on how to promote your book:
- Have your own blog or website
- Use Social Media
- Approach independent booksellers
- Utilise Amazon’s promotional tools for print and ebooks
- Get reviews for your book
- Pay for book promotion services.